Homeowner Turfgrass Sample Submission Form

"*" indicates required fields

Phone: (608) 845-2535
Fax: (608) 845-8162
Email: hockemeyer@wisc.edu
Turfgrass Diagnostic Lab
O.J. Noer Facility
2502 S. Pleasant View Rd
Verona, WI 53593-9537
If you prefer to use our paper form, you can download it here then print it and mail it to us.
Are you submitting the sample through your county extension office?
If no, please proceed directly to Client Information.

County Extension Info

County Agent Name:
County Office Address:

Client Info

Client Name:*
Client Address:*


Send invoice to:
Send results to:

Problem Description

Was the lawn established from:
Is the lawn irrigated?
If Yes, how is it irrigated?


Please consider submitting digital photographs of the affected area to provide us a visual indication of the syptoms. Photos can be texted to (608) 445-5490 or emailed to hockemeyer@wisc.edu. Please indicate the name of the submitter when sending digital photos.


Payment Methods:

- Pay at Time of Submission - you can include a check or money order when you submit your sample(s).
- Payment Following Diagnosis and Receipt of Invoice:
o By check or money order

Make checks and money orders payable to Turfgrass Diagnostic Lab.

Submission Fee:

How to Prepare Your Samples

- Samples should be approximately 6" in diameter across with three inches of soil.

- It's important that the sample include both affected and healthy turf, so collect at the outer margin of the affected area.

- if you plan to ship the sample mail or parcel service, wrap it in aluminum foil (not in plastic).

If you enclose paperwork, please put it in a plastic bag so the moisture from the sample won't harm the paper.

If you have questions about the sample submission process, please contact lab manager Kurt Hockemeyer at hockemeyer@wisc.edu.

Thank you for your business.


Please contact Kurt Hockemeyer at 608-845-2535 or hockemeyer@wisc.edu if you have any questions.
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