Gray Snow Mold (Typhula incarnata and T. ishikariensis)

Pathogen: Typhula incarnata Typhula ishikariensis

Host: Annual Bluegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Colonial Bentgrass, Velvet Bentgrass, Creeping Bentgrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Fine Fescue, Tall Fescue

Environmental Requirements: 30-40 F, high moisture, under snow cover, lush foliar growth

Stand Symptoms: circular grayish or straw colored blighted areas, after snow melt grayish white mycelium can be seen on the outer margins

Plant Symptoms: plants are matted

Fungal Signs: T. incarnata – large rust colored sclerotia T. ishikariensis- small black sclerotia

Environmental Modification: avoid lush growth going into winter, mow grass until growth has stopped

Plant Resistance: Kentucky Bluegrass and Fine Fescues are the least susceptible

Plant Symptoms: plants are matted
Plant Symptoms


Stand Symptoms: circular grayish or straw colored blighted areas, after snow melt grayish white mycelium can be seen on the outer margins
Stand Symptoms


Fungal Signs: T. incarnata - large rust colored sclerotia
T. incarnata


Fungal Signs: T. ishikariensis- small black sclerotia
T. ishikariensis